
This category contains 3 posts

Writer’s Blocks

I first had the idea of creating a comic where you ‘chose’ the story by rolling a set of dice in sequence to determine various possible outcomes of the narrative. One thing led to several others and I ended up choosing 36 iconic images to go on six dice, whereby you could (in theory) tell […]

Merry Christmas Our Kid

It was a couple of years ago that I noticed lots of people had ‘Noel’ written in their windows at Christmas time. Being me, I just thought it would be amusing if I stuck a giant ‘Liam’ in my window and see if anyone got the joke. I didn’t, as it happens, but I did […]


Whilst creating another chemistry-related piece last year, it struck me that the molecular structure of caffeine might be a good design to go on a coffee mug. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, it is now possible to upload a design and order a sample copy of such things to find out. I think […]