
Aiden has written 23 posts for Proof Spirit


Whilst creating another chemistry-related piece last year, it struck me that the molecular structure of caffeine might be a good design to go on a coffee mug. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, it is now possible to upload a design and order a sample copy of such things to find out. I think […]

New year, new branding

Time to ring the changes with a new brand identity for PROOF SPIRIT. Although I was fond of the old logotype, in Museo, I’ve been looking at alternatives recently and really like the new face, Novecento. It has a classic, yet modern look – clean and unfussy. Whilst I originally went for primary colours, I […]

Getting into the spirit of things

Welcome to the brand new PROOF SPIRIT online presence – a window on all our latest creative ideas and activities. From here, it is possible to view the latest PROOF SPIRIT artwork, get some background information on the company and contact us for further information. With many exciting projects and events on the horizon, expect regular updates – […]